
This session aims at discussing the leachate management of today. It is intended to focus on the sustainability of the leachate management. In connection to this the leachate quality will be discussed and will be linked to the treatment requirements. Also different alternatives for  treatment will be discussed. In the following some questions that the session is intendended to discuss is given:
Is the leachate management of today sustainable?
What tools can we use to decide the sustainability?
Do we need leachate treatment?
What components of the leachates do we need to treat?
What kinds of leachate do we need to treat?
For how long time will treatment be required?
What kinds of treatment are the best?
Will there be a need for different treatments at different times?

Session schedule

To give an example and give material for discussion the following presentations will be made

Kylefors, K.
Leachate quality - the dependence on L/S
Affiliation: Div. of Waste Science & Technology, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden

Haarstad, K. and Maehlum, T.
Pesticides in solid waste leachate in Norway
Affiliation: Jordforsk, Centre for Soil Environmental Research, Ås, Norway

Öman, C.
Evaluation of leachate treatment methods i perspective of the character of specific organic compounds
Affiliation: Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Harris, J.1, Goldsmith, C.D.2 and Purschwitz, D.E.3
Leachate treatment options for sanitary landfills
Affiliation: 1Waste Management Inc., Houston, Texas, USA
               2 Alternative Natural Technologies Inc., Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
               3 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Szpaczynski, J.A. and White, J.A.
Effeiciency of Landfill Leachate Treatment by Freeze Crystallization and Natural Process of Snow Metamorphism
Affiliation: Northern Watertek Corporation, Ontario, Canada

Pelkonen, M1, Mikko, K2. and Zengzhang, W1.
Full scale performance of biological leachate treatment at low temperature
Affiliation: 1Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Helsinki university of Technology, Espoo, Finland
               2 Helsinki University Development Services, Helsinki, Finland


Katarina Kylefors, kaky@sb.luth.se

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