Frequently asked questions

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Introduction The increasing number of emails and letters requesting information from us is leading to very long response times. For this reason the most usual answers to the most usual questions will be posted on this page. This is not because of lack of interest to communicate from our side, but because of resource limitations.
Question Answer
Can I make a PhD at your division? This is dependent on two generic factors: A/ is your research interest connected to the reserarch we do and do you have suitable qualifications? Check out the information on our homepage. B/ Is funding available? When we have funding for new PhD-programmes, the normal procedure is to advertise them on the homepage on the "jobs" link and elswhere. Further information is available with the job announcement.

For the case that you have your own funding we will make an individual assessment with respect to A above. Contact the supervisor of the research area you aim to join.

Can I make a master project at your division?

There are two main pathways to start a MSc project at our division. A/ We announce projects and contact persons on our MSc-projects webpage or elsewhere. Applicants will be individually evaluated as in the case of PhD studies, see above. B/ Alternatively a student can suggest projects or ask the supervisor of a research area if there are oportunities in that area that have not yet been advertised on the webpage. See the research homepage of the division for contact information. For projects which does not belong to a specified research area contact the division head.

There is no salary funding for masters projects from our part, often master projects at the division are sponsored by and performed in co-operation with external organisations and companies that may or may not compensate students for their work.

Can I make a practice term at your division?

Sometimes we do have a need of practical assistance in projects: Check with the research supervisor of the area of your interest. Alternatively check the job announcement page. The tasks listed on our "student projects"- page are only open for MSc-students at LTU.

Can you send me a report or paper so and so?

Look at our homepage where the reports for sale are listed together with ordering information. If you are interested in something which is not listed there, but you know that it exists, direct your question to

Can you send me information in general about "this or that"?

Normally no. It is rarely the case that "generic" or broad questions can be answered because we do not have the time to compile the information. Check first with libraries or information banks on the web. Perhaps our "reports for sale" or our list of links can give further ideas. If you formulate very specific questions chances are better that an answer can be provided in reasonable time. Contact the appropriate research supervisor.

page editor
last updated: .02-06-03