Physical disruption of landfilled waste


Lale Andreas

Tommy Olsson

Anders Lagerkvist



This study was made possible through a grant from STEM (previously Nutek), the Swedish National Energy Administration. Parts of the study have also enjoyed support from TFR (Swedish technical research foundation) and RVF, the Swedish Association of waste management companies. We thank these organisations for their support, and in the case of STEM we also thank for understanding and patience, since the project has been delayed several times, mainly due to staff changes.

We also wish to thank Agne Rustan for advise and help with explosives, Ulla-Britt Uvemo for her unerring analytical work, and Tommy Edeskär for his work on the development of a blast technique. Many others have also contributed to the study and we extend our thanks and appreciation to all of them.

Lale Andreas, Tommy Ohlsson and Anders Lagerkvist

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Last modified: October 22, 2001