Brief CV

Anders R. Lagerkvist (b. 1952)


1. Education: 1982 Civ. ing. (MSc) Environmental Planning and Design, Luleå

University of Technology (LUT); Luleå, Sweden. Thesis on in-situ redox

measurements. 1987 Tekn. Lic.  (Dr). (at LUT).Thesis on transport and

degradation processes in landfills.  1995 Tekn. Dr (DSc) (at LUT). Thesis on

two-step anaerobic treatment of MSW.


2.   Positions held: 1982-1983: Research Engineer at the division of Waste

Management Technology at LUT. 1984-87: Post grad student at LUT. 1987-1988:

Consulting on Waste Management, Upptek KB. 1988-98 leader of the Landfill

Research Group at the Dept of Environmental Engineering, LUT. 1998-1999 Ass.

prof, div. of Landfill Science & Technology, dept of Environmental Engineering,

LUT. 2000 -2001 Ass. prof., division of Waste Science & Technology (WST), LUT.

2001- Professor, division of WST, LUT.


  3.   University of Luleå Service: research, teaching & public service in waste

management, in particular landfill technology. Committee service at LUT:

1984-87: Member of the Board, Technical Faculty. 1984-85: Chairman of the Board

of Research Students Union. 1998-99: Program manager for the environmental

engineering program at LUT. 1988-: Supervisor or assistant supervisor for >10

doctors theses and > 20 masters theses.


4. External Professional Activities:

     Consulting: Area: Waste Management & Landfill Technology - Clients include

Cities, Waste management companies, SNV ("SEPA"), Industries and Consulting


     Other: 1990-1991: Project leader of DEPÅ 90 (National Swedish Landfill R &

D project).1992- 1997: Leader of the IEA Bioenergy Agreement Landfill Gas

Activity. Memberships: The International Advisory Board for the Sardinia

Landfill Symposia,  ISWA's Sanitary Landfill Working Group. Editorial board of

The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, secretary of the Nordic

Network on Landfill Energy Technology. Member of the Japanese Association of

Waste Management Experts. Referee for various organisations including LTU, KTH,

EU (DG XII), Nature, Applied Env. Microbiology, Warmer Bulletin etc. 1993-1995

Technical expert for waste terminology work in Sweden.  Arranged international

landfill research symposia in 1993, 1996, 1998 and 2000. Have lectured in

courses in Sweden, Finland, Italy, USA, Peru, South Africa, Portugal, China and

the Dominican Republic.


4.   Recent Work

a. Papers and presentations:

Sulzbacher, K., Ecke, H., Lagerkvist, A. & Calmano, W. (1997). Anaerobic

reduction of hexavalent chromium in filter sludge of an electrochemical process.

Environmental Technology. Vol 18, No pp. 301-307.  

Ecke, H., Bergman, A. & Lagerkvist, A. (1997) Multivariate Data Analysis (MVDA)

in Landfill Research, Journal of Solid Waste Management & Technology, Vol. 25,

no 1, pp 33-39.

Maurice, C., Ettala, M. & Lagerkvist, A.(1999) Effect of leachate irrigation on

landfill vegetation and subsequent methane emissions. Water, Air and Soil

Pollution, Vol. 113, nos. 1-4, pp 203-216.

Maurice, C & Lagerkvist A. (2000).Using Betula pendula and Telephora

caryophyllea for soil Pollution Assessment. Journal of Soil Contamination, 9(1)


b. Reports & books:

Lagerkvist, A. (ed) (2001) Landfill Technology,  Tecnical Report 200113, 620 p,

Luleå University of Technology, ISSN: 1402 - 1536.

Lagerkvist, A. ed. (1997) Samordnad deponigas FUD. Slutrapport. RVF rapport

97:7, pp.154, RVF, Malmö. 

Lagerkvist, A.(1997) Landfill Dictionary, International Solid Waste Association,

Copenhagen, ISBN87-90402-03-0, 52 p.

Lundberg, S., Ecke, H. & Lagerkvist, A. (1998) Biologisk behandling av avfall i

Borås. Rapport 4864, Naturvårdsverket, Stockholm.


5. Languages & international experience

Languages spoken: Fluent Swedish, English and German. Passive knowledge of


Foreign travel/work: Totally 6 years in about 60 countries.